Topic #73

Topic #73:

Grab the nearest book (or website) to you right now. Jump to paragraph 3, second Sentence. Write it in a post.

Bonus: Make up a sentence to follow the first one, but make it go in an entirely different direction that the actual book or website does.

I sat alone in the apartment and drew the conclusion that the world would be a much better place if I were not here. My point of view would shift radically in the days and weeks to follow, for at that very moment, the long anticipated zombie apocalypse began.


One Comment

  • Rizza says:

    “Mr. S., who prompted the search by telling police he witnessed his dad kill and bury his mom, says his family lived in two different units at the complex.”

    I’m posting this here so I can remember it for when I get home and need to write a post around it. Pay no attention to me… 🙂

    Oh, and nicely done on the zombie apocalypse!

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