All good things…

Salsa Fest, day 8.

We come to the end of our salsa festivities.
Here we have a tasty red salsa over cream cheese, supplied by Vicki V. and captured photographically by Dorinda.


Like Gallagher, but not as messy

Salsa Fest, day 7.

For our penultimate salsa, Angie brought in a Watermelon Salsa.

Quel fromage encore!

Salsa Fest, day 6.

Today we return to the culinary delight which inspired Salsa Fest, Salsa con Queso.
Thanks Dorinda!

Salsa fest resumes, pardner!

Today begins Week 2 of Salsa Fest.

Today’s selection brought to us by Vicki G.
Remember, when you’re looking for a fresh, high quality Cowboy Caviar, call Vicki G.!

Salsa Fest Week 1 roundup

In my opinion, humble or otherwise, I think that all the salsas have been quite good (enough). I’m really rather pleased with how this is all turning out!

I will use the following scale to rate the overall awesomeness of each salsa: 7 will be the lowest score. It represents a dismal state of suckitude analogous to how uplifted one is likely to feel after seeing Biutiful. 42 will be the top score. It is also the number on the football jersey that my friend Tim sent me for my birthday. A score of 42 is a theoretical score, unlikely to be found in nature. This grader tends not to give perfect scores as I feel it leaves no room for something better. So an average score would fall in the 23 – 28 range, while a score upwards of 33 indicates great approval.

Monday – Pat’s green salsa. I liked it well enough. I’m not a big green salsa fan, but this gets extra points for going first. Also, it had a sweet sort of flavor. Which was nice. 30

Tuesday – My cabbage salsa. I was pretty disappointed in how this turned out. It was better than my first attempt, and really, it was fine. But it wasn’t what I was shooting for. High hopes + thwarted expectations yield a score of 28.

Wednesday – Amy’s Texas caviar. I liked this a lot, and so did the rest of the office. The bowl of salsa went very quickly! I think this could easily be a side dish for a meal and never mind the chips. 37

Thursday – Kelly’s cream cheese and red salsa. How can you go wrong? But this gets bonus points for having whipped cream cheese and three temperatures of salsa! 35

Four more offerings next week!

Cream of the Crop!

Salsa Fest continues!

Today we have cream cheese and three temperatures of red salsa, thanks to Kelly!


Day 3 of Salsa Fest!

Today, Amy brought in Texas Caviar

Brassica oleracea Linne

Today is Day 2 of Salsa Fest.

Today, I brought in a cabbage salsa.

Salsa Fest begins!

Today is Day 1 of Salsa Fest.

Today’s salsa (Green Salsa) is provided by Pat.

Just another manic Monday

My salsa wasn’t really any better after chilling for a day. Ah well. I’ll use more tomatoes next time. And leave out the onion and garlic. I’ll use less cilantro too. I hate wasting food. 🙁 So I’m going to knuckle down and finish off this batch. It’s not terrible, just not good.

I only work the equivalent of 11 months per year. My office is kind enough to let me spread out my month off over the entire year. So I take off 14.5 hours each month. This month that means that I’ll take this Friday off and the 25th as well. Add to that the fact that President’s Weekend is 4 days, and I’m looking forward to some extra LOTRO and TV time. And it’s a good thing cause I’m falling way behind on both those things.

Biutiful tomorrow night and Harry Potter 7.1 on Wednesday.

Finished that steaming pile of crap called Dogtooth tonight. Blech!


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