Random political post

I’m not a huge fan of our overtweeter-in-chief, but not everything he says and does is worth bursting blood vessels. He’s a troll and everyone should know that you don’t feed the trolls.

Here are a couple points (some borrowed from more eloquent people than me):

I don’t care for crass language. I don’t use such language myself.

Trump wasn’t on air/in public. Obama disparages bitter-clingers. Hilary writes off a quarter of the populations as deplorables. Biden makes all manner of racially insensitive comments. But oh no! Only Trump is a problem.

It wasn’t racist. Fact is, some countries suck. But that does not mean the people seeking to immigrate from those countries do. Often, it’s precisely the opposite.
(We shouldn’t use country of origin as central rationale for immigration or against it, which is why visa diversity lottery is bad.)

The news kinda bragged up Crazy Old Joe (Biden) for dropping an F-bomb…double standard.

Everything Trump does is racist, sexist, etc….and if you disagree you are deplorable.


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