A Vanity Project

Daily Mugshot

Here is an example of something I try to do everyday, much like posting to this blog.
You can see that I can’t settle on 1 (or 2 or 5) style of facial hair.
Also, my webcam and lighting suck.

How I react upon arriving home to find a box has been delivered and placed just inside the door to my apartment.


Visual Aid

Here is a rather small and difficult to read chart of all the movies that are nominated in one or more categories for the Academy Awards this year. The original version is an Excel spreadsheet created by Betty. You can click on this smallish chart to open a full sized .pdf that will be easier to read.

Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Ok. Great. So the ones in orange are the movies I’ve already seen. The ones in yellow are the movies that I expect to see over the next 7 – 10 days. The ones in pink are the movies that I think I will not get the chance to see prior to the awards. And the one in white… well, I’m not sure. I think I may get to see it but I am not certain. I will let you know.

Anyway, I’m quite proud of how many I will have seen by the 27th.
How are YOU doing on seeing the Oscar noms?

Couple of cousins

Gathering to celebrate Doug's life - 21

This is a photo of me with my cousins Reggie and Andy.
Taken at my aunt’s house following my uncle’s funeral Mass.

O.P. WestdaleCo

Oscar nominations were announced this morning. I was up to watch it live. Yay me! And yay Modesto Ambadassadors! That’s what we’ve named our movie group.

So far, I’ve seen 15 of the 56 movies that were nominated in one category or another. I’ve seen 7 out of 10 of the nominees for best picture. I plan to see The Kings Speech with Jamie and Betty next Tuesday evening. Anyone else want to come? During my lunch today, I watched the first half of one of the movies nominated for Best Documentary Feature, Exit Through the Gift Shop. I’ll finish it tomorrow.

Tonight I watched Restrepo, another of the documentaries. I liked it. I liked it way more than Inside Job. Resptrepo told a story; it gave an account of a group of people in a period of time. What it did not do was beat me about the head with it’s heavy-handed message. Whatever conclusions are to be drawn from Restrepo, I get to come to those conclusions on my own, thank you very much.


Ok, so I feel like I should be much more tired than I am. I’ve been up since 4:30 this morning and it’s almost 11 PM. Either way, I’m going to bed very soon.

Oh, yeah. Pastoral Council was tonight. Nothing Earth shattering, but it’s always nice to see people. One thing that came up was that this Feb 15th is going to be the 2 year anniversary of the dedication of the church. I’m going to see if I can video record the Mass. Man alive do I need a video camera!

Blatent attempt to generate traffic

From time to time, I take photos.
I’m no professional. Don’t want to be. But I do have fun with it.
I post my photos at flickr.

This is my most viewed photo.
Reunion 145

Now, I find these ladies to be very attractive; quite lovely, one and all. But I’m not sure why this photo has been viewed about twice as often as the second place pic.
Any idea?
Is there something I’m missing?

Cultural Collision

I mentioned that I like music, I pretend to play some instruments.

Here is my latest acquisition, a cuica.
Burning Sky 1012.31 - 029

This is also my facebook profile pic, so sorry to those of you who’ve already seen it way too much.

A cuica is a friction drum that is played by rubbing a stick or dowel attached to the drum head. It is supposed to sound like a lioness mating call. You can simulate the sound yourself by rapidly moving a straw in and out of the lid of a soda cup. You know what I mean?

Anyway, it’s used in samba music. Well, typically used in samba music. I hope to use it in tribal polyrhythms that I’ll play for belly dancers.

Lori’s party photos

As promised, here are some photos from my friend Lori’s party.

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