Kiss them for me

Had a rather rough time sleeping last night. Probably too much caffeine last evening. We’ll see how it goes tonight. But, my tossing and turning did have one positive result, I was able to get up a little early. I made it in to work at 7:30 instead of 8.

I’m not sure what’s going on. When I am actually running, I don’t enjoy it. But between times, I think about it a lot and eagerly look forward to the next run. What the heck is that about? I got a couple of friends to sign up on so they can track their progress. I like encouraging each other. Today was a rest day so no running, but I did walk a mile and a half at lunch.

Tonight I spent my time leveling my hunter to 44. He’s moving right along. I hope it will only be two more weeks until he is high enough to replace my captain in the Monday night group.

I should be getting my cello back tomorrow. As much as I’d prefer not to do so, I’m going to try to sell it. I’d like to get $450 for it. Know anyone who’d like to buy a cello?

Rain in June

What great weather this weekend! Rain off and on. Of course, I love the cool weather. Thank you global warming!

Mass this morning went well. It was the last time in the old church. Next week, the schedule changes and we’ll be in the new church. About time! It seems like there is some general consensus about how to move forward. That’s good. I’m tired of fighting.

Went for my run this afternoon. A total of four miles in intervals of 3 minutes running, 1 minute walking over 50 minutes. Then I cooked a steak for dinner. Yum.

Here’s another lipdub. My friend, Betty, shared this earlier today.

Missed it by that much

Almost got away with not leaving the house today.

The only time I did head out was to go be the sacristan for the 5:00 Mass. What sucked is that I showed up and someone had already taken care of getting things ready. I hate wasted effort.

But I thought it would be ok since I had committed to meeting a friend at the Queen Bean for some music in the evening. Only problem there was that we must have had our wired crossed, because she didn’t show up and I have my doubts about whether I was at the right event anyway. So, that too failed to pan out.

I should have stayed home.

Flagpole Sitta

Met Mike and walked through the use of the sound system at the new church today. I am excited for the schedule change and moving forward. I’ve been listening to some of the new Mass settings that can be used starting in December. Mike and I are leaning toward the Mass of Renewal by Curtis Stephan. It seems really singable and moves right along. We’ll continue to listen to this and other settings for a bit, but I suspect that we’ve got a winner.

Five of us playtested a new game that Ross and Mike (different Mike) have created. It’s set in the Star Trek universe. I thought it went pretty well. It’s still in alpha testing, but it went smoothly enough. Good times.

Got word today that Starbuck is in for September! w00t!!

Went running tonight. Did about 3.5 miles in <35 minutes. It’s getting easier. 🙂

Really tired for some reason tonight. Off to bed.

But first, enjoy this lip dub.


Lip Dub – Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger from amandalynferri on Vimeo.


Tonight was my last meeting as Grand Knight. I’m relieved to be done, but I wish I could have accomplished more. Hopefully I accomplished SOMETHING! I am apprehensive about Bill taking over starting next month. His attendance sucks and I don’t expect that it will be improving much. 🙁

This was a short work week. Monday was a holiday and as is true all summer, I have Fridays off. I’m very glad to be off tomorrow. I plan to meet Mike at the church to go over the use of the sound system, head to a different Mike’s house to playtest a new game, and finally, do my 10K training tomorrow evening.

Plans for September seem to be coming together. Exciting! So far, Rizza is coming for Jeff’s wedding, Dave (and hopefully Rizza and Starbuck) is coming to hike up Half-Dome. The possible plan is to run the 10K on the 17th, do some wine tasting on the 17th/18th, spend a day on the lake on the 19th, and go to Yosemite from the 20th through the 22nd. Much of this may not come to pass, but it sure is fun to plan!

It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.

Into training for a 10K now that I’ve actually run the 5K. Last night I ran 4.25 miles in intervals of 5 minutes running, 1 minute walking, rinse, repeat. That was a good training! Tonight was 2.5 miles but 3 minutes running and 1 minute walking. My legs is sore! Especially my thighs. Hmmm.

Anyway, I’m glad I get tomorrow off from the running! I need a day of rest. Back at it on Friday though.

This morning, I secured day permits for 4 of us to hike up to the top of Half-Dome on September 21st. Dave is in. Rizza is planning to come to California but refrain from making the ascent, although I have the permit so that if she chooses, she can change her mind. I plan ahead like that. 🙂 Starbuck likewise is not an effing mountain goat, so even if she comes down to California (not a certainty), she probably won’t be up for that particular activity. But again, I’m prepared in case she has a change of heart. I hope they both can make it. My vacation with them and Dave was about the best time I’ve had in years.

Also, I thought it would be fun, if we all got together again, to spend a day out on the lake, so I started looking into boat rentals at Lake Don Pedro.

So that week in September would involve a 10K, a day at the lake, a night camping in Yosemite, a 12 hour hike up to the top of Half-Dome, and probably a 5K for the parish festival, and probably other social stuff including a possible trip to Napa/Sonoma for some wine tasting action. Biz to the eeee!

I like planning! I feel upbeat right now. 🙂

I took one big step and I looked away

I frequently have difficulty with depth or introspection/reflection. I’m not sure why, but I think it’s related to a general avoidance mentality. I don’t like conflict or awkwardness, and I tend to delay dealing with things. I’m not thrilled that this is the case in my life. I should deal with this and make a change, but I’m avoiding it. 🙂

Anyway, I have an ex-girlfriend that is still in my life. It sucks. The relationship I had with her was way beyond what I was ready for, was looking for. She was the driver and I was entirely caught up in circumstances over which I had no control. Yeah, I was out of control. Ultimately, the only way I could regain some semblance of control over my life was to break up with her. I didn’t want to, but there was no space for me to process things. And she was so inflexible when it came to meeting me halfway on anything. I could go on and on and on about the difficulties I had (and still have) with that relationship. I may and will probably do so as I continue to blog. But today I will say that I still feel really broken as a result of being with her. I question if I’ll ever be right for a relationship.

A friend of mine has a daughter that is getting baptized this weekend. I had been planning on going until I realized that my ex-girlfriend would be there too. I told my friend that I wouldn’t be attending and that it was because I didn’t want to be in the same place as my ex. But really, it’s not about being at the same event. I still work in the same office as my ex, so being around her isn’t really the issue. The real problem I have is that all of the friends that she had prior to knowing me want nothing to do with me now that we’re not together, whereas my friends have remained friends with her. Maybe I really was the bad guy and I deserve being shunned. Maybe she has chosen friends that are more loyal than the ones I have chosen. Maybe she’s just more likeable than me. Whatever the reason, I admit to you, faithful readers, that it hurts sometimes. So I won’t be attending the baptism because I don’t want to be reminded of that pain.

All good things…

(Not just a Star Trek episode.)

And so comes to an end a very laid back weekend. Didn’t do much, but that was just about right. Today I went to the church to assist with a Memorial Mass for a man who died last week. I enjoy assisting at Mass, but it would have been just fine if I hadn’t had to leave the house today. As it was, I also stopped at the ATM for some cash, got gas, and bought a few groceries. Efficiency!

Got Haelindir up to 41. Did it mostly by skirmishing with Colred. That went well. But I’m a bit bored with the hunter. There’s not enough going on to make it interesting. We shall see if I can stand to press on.

I’m really short of money this month. 🙁 So I’m abandoning my effort to see a movie every week of the year. I may try to make up the time in July, but I kinda doubt it. The Modesto AmBadAssAdors never really materialized. Tant pis.

Sunday is a normal training day but I took this one off after the race. I wanted to make it up today, but I never got around to it. So tomorrow it is. I will begin transitioning to 10K training. But rather than start on week 1, I’ll begin with week 8. I am of two minds with the running. I am thrilled that I am doing it, and I look forward to it between sessions. But when I’m actually running, I don’t much like it. I sure hope that changes!!

I think I’m going to be trying something different. I’m going to try to get up a little earlier in the morning. Instead of 7:15ish, I’m going to try for 6:30. I’m sure I will hate it. And that means I have to go to bed. Good night.

One more race shot

Here’s a shot of me coming up on the finish line in yesterday’s race.

I’m just glad I safety pinned my shirt to my shorts or else you’d be seeing way too much belly.

Modesto Classic

Ran my 5K today. My goals were to run the entire race without stopping to walk and come in with a time of no more than 35 minutes. Mission accomplished on both fronts. There were many, many times that I wanted to stop running and just walk for a bit. I was bargaining with myself constantly! But in the end, I ran the whole race. My time was 33:46.1. I’d like to do the next one in under 30 minutes.

It was nice that there were several of us MJC types out there. Me, Vee, Tonya, Donna, Rita, Erik, and Laura.
Good job to all of us!!

Here are a couple of photos.

Me and Vee before the race.
Modesto Classic 5K 004

Me and Tonya.
Modesto Classic 5K 002

My race results.
Modesto Classic 5K 005

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