Passport pursuits

My coworker has just one location left to visit for her McMenamin’s passport. In order to attend a Tripster party together, we need to both complete passports around the same time.

Unlike her, I have several locations I still need to collect. Among them, Bend, Roseburg, Eugene, Corvallis, Gearhart, Forest Grove, McMinnville, and Bothel, WA.

I’ll be in the neighborhood of Bothel this weekend, so I plan to stop by the Anderson School.

After that, I might be able to make some big loops to gather the bulk of what is still outstanding for me.

Trip 1 – Bend/Roseburg/Eugene/Corvallis (8+ hours)


Trip 2 – McMinnville/Forest Grove/Gearhart (5+ hours)

This would still leave a number of locations in/around Portland, but it’s theoretically doable over the next few weeks. If it comes to that.