Baby, baby bounce it off your satellite

Last night I met with Eloisa, a young woman from church to discuss the parish website and communication in general.
One of the things I’d like to propose is that we create a director of communication for the parish.

Working under the direction of the Pastor, duties would include:

  • Facilitate communication between staff members and volunteers; with registered parishioners, and with those who attend Mass regularly.
  • Develop and use technology and social media as appropriate.
  • Facilitate communication between Parish ministries and organizations.
  • Facilitate communication between the school and the parish community-at-large.
  • Create and / or proofread and approve written communications from the church or about the church, in print or electronic form.
  • Create a weekly church bulletin that sparks interest and anticipation among the parishioners.
  • Publish a bi-monthly parish newsletter.
  • Create brochures, mass mailings, etc.
  • Supervise content of the church, school, and other parish based websites.
  • Develop strategies to maintain and improve the parish database(s).
  • Develop surveys and other tools to aid in planning and evaluating.

I totally borrowed the above list from a parish in Texas.

Anyway, we could really use a person like this. I’m just not sure that TPTB at the parish would see things the same way. Wish me luck!


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